How African Central Banks Are Trying To Monopolize FintechJust as of last month, Zambia’s central bank announced its plans on launching their own central…John KeendjeleApril 24, 2022 2 min
Africa Joins the Crypto Art NFT CrazeApproaching the final quarter of this year, innovation in the art world is creating waves and now…Enos PetrusOctober 06, 2021 3 min
Africa's First 3d Printed Home built in just 12 Hours.Let me set out a scenario for you all. Imagine going on a long weekend trip to Etuna Guesthouse in…John KeendjeleJuly 26, 2021 2 min
Three Drone Startups that are changing the African LandscapeWhile mindlessly scrolling through twitter, I came across a brilliant article on how Botswana…John KeendjeleJuly 04, 2021 3 min
Revolutionary Apps Made for Africans by AfricansInnovation should be constantly prioritized in an economy to achieve rapid economic growth. A trend…John KeendjeleMay 16, 2021 2 min